Garbage Collection Service Guidelines
Service days and hours.
Trash: Wednesday and Saturday
** Please have your waste at the curbside by 6:30 am.
Holiday Schedule
We observe three holidays: New Year's Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
** In the event that your service day falls on a holiday, the collection will roll to the next regularly scheduled collection day.
Each home is provided a 95-gallon trash cart.
Household Trash
Waste should be placed in the provided cart, personal cans between 20 and 96 gallons and under 50 pounds, or sturdy bags not exceeding 50 pounds. Waste should be placed curbside.
Yard Waste
Yard waste should be bagged or placed in cans not exceeding 50 pounds. Bagged yard Republic will remove their carts after their final service day. Please leave your old cart waste should be placed curbside. Branches should be placed curbside in bundles measuring no more than 4' x 4' x 4' and under 50 pounds. Limit 8 bags/bundles per day.
Heavy Trash & Bulk Waste
- Will collect two heavy trash/bulk items per service day. Items will include:
- Furniture
- Appliances
- carpeting ( tied and bundled)
- fencing (nails removed tied and bundle under 4' in length)
- other items not disposed of regularly
Items Excluded from the regular collection
- dirt
- rocks
- bricks
- concrete
- liquid paints
- fuels
- oils
- tires
- pesticides
- fertilizer
- batteries
Please contact TPD to discuss solutions for the proper disposal of those listed above items.
M-TH 8:00 AM-5:00 PM; F 8:00 AM-4:00 PM